Symptoms of lung cancer are often vague and can be overlooked, however, early and rapid investigation and referral is necessary for optimal patient outcomes. How can we give ourselves the best chance of identifying possible lung cancer in our busy primary care practice?
Join us for this GPCE keynote webinar and learn about Cancer Australia’s new resource: ‘Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: a guide for all health professionals.’ You’ll hear from a health professional who is living well with stage 4 lung cancer, as well as expert GPs and a respiratory physician, as they take you step-by-step through this important guide, in a case-based setting.
Download the Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: a guide for all health professionals' resource in advance by clicking here.
Learning outcomes
- Implement recommendations from the resource ‘Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: a guide for all health professionals’ to provide appropriate investigation of adult patients who present to primary care with symptoms that may be lung cancer.
- Recognise risk factors for lung cancer such as lifestyle, personal, environmental or occupational risk factors, including in different population groups and people who have never smoked
- Investigate people with symptoms that may be lung cancer within optimal timeframes, and in line with best-practice care.
- Refer patients to a specialist linked with a multidisciplinary team in a timely way, as a best practice approach to cancer care.
Earn yourself 2 RACGP points or 1 ACRRM CPD hours by participating in this high-impact webinar.
If you are interested in joining the webinar, you can register by clicking the button below.