The Platinum Club is GPCE's loyalty program. If you have you attended a GPCE event at least twice between 2022 and 2024 on a Conference or Session Pass, you are eligible for Platinum Club membership. As a Platinum Club member, you have access to a number of exclusive benefits:
Platinum Club
- 30% discount on Conference Pass registration rates for you and a colleague*
- Complimentary parking for up to three days**
- Guaranteed place in any Advanced Course if booked during Early Bird***
Platinum Club Members will receive a discount code to use during online registration to receive the Platinum Club member's rate. Please keep an eye out for this in our emails.
* Subject to having two or more Conference or Session Pass registrations associated with previous events between 2022 and 2024.
** Complimentary parking available only at the car parks at each show venue on event days. Parking is subject to availability.
***Subject to availability at time of booking and session capacity.
Platinum Club Criteria
You must have attended at least two GPCE events between 2022 and 2024 on a Conference or Session Pass to qualify for membership. To find out if you qualify for the Platinum Club membership, please contact our customer service team on 1800 571 960 or email [email protected].