Complete your annual CPD requirements quickly, and easily, at GPCE

From 2023, the Medical Board of Australia (MBA)* introduced some major changes for all doctors practicing in Australia, including:

  • The introduction of CPD Homes

  • The introduction of professional development plans (PDPs) for all doctors

  • A requirement for doctors to complete different types of CPD to improve the value of their professional development 

  • A requirement to complete 50 hours of CPD each year

What is the timeframe for obtaining your CPD requirements?

In July 2024, the MBA notified CPD homes that all doctors must complete 2024 CPD requirements within the 2024 calendar year, with no grace period at the end of 2024 like there was in 2023. Doctors will still be able to finalise recording of activities completed in 2024, until 28 February 2025.

How can GPCE help you meet these requirements?

GPCE is well placed to assist you to meet all your CPD requirements each year.  Our education sessions are clearly labelled with the number of hours for the CPD activities that they relate to.

We continue to accredit our education with the RACGP and ACRRM.  As a Major Education Provider with the RACGP, we are best placed to continue to meet your CPD needs.

GPs will be able to meet up to 100% of their requirement at GPCE Sydney and GPCE Melbourne. For those attending GPCE Perth or GPCE Brisbane, you’ll be able to meet up to 70% of your requirement.

How are the 50 hours broken down?